Ron Sneller

Ron Sneller
Ron graduated from the University of Michigan in 2003, and has worked in financial services for over a decade. Ron possesses the Series 65 license, which makes him a fiduciary Investment Advisor Representative, obligating him to give investment advice in the best interest of the clients.
Ron strongly believes in continuing education in order to better serve his clients. He has achieved the following credentials: FICF, FSCP, RFC, and RICP, the latter of which being a retirement income specialty from the American College of Financial Services.
In Ron's words, he is "on a crusade to educate every tax paying American citizen about how wealth truly works, and show them how to take back control of their money." He believes that the average American has been led astray by the very institutions that have promised to take care of our finances: Wall Street, the Big Banks, the Federal Reserve, and especially the Internal Revenue Service! The government operates on outdated rules, and so does much of the financial planning industry.

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